We get many questions about our our distinctive website, which was designed by Susanne Friedrich of Red Princess Productions.
What some readers don’t realize, though, is that Ms. Friedrich is multi-talented.
While her website portfolio is impressive, Cultural Currents readers may note that she is also a master of logos and architectural photography. Finally, she paints…and pretty good at this, too.
She lives in San Francisco and is happy to meet with you if you’re in California.
“But if you’re not, no problem. We can do the entire project via phone and email”…and we suspect even by Zoom.
Alcatraz is one of her favorite subjects.
“Probably because I see the island every day from the top of Russian Hill where I live,” she declares. “I love to paint anything to do with the ocean: fish and water and beaches and ships.”
We trust ferries will also be featured on her site soon.
You can see her paintings on her other site www.sanneart.com